Do I need a Planning Consultant?
Many people will appoint a planning consultant before they even buy a plot, to work out the potential of a development. This could save you thousands of pounds on buying a project that turns out not to be feasible.
Planning consultants have full knowledge of the ever-changing planning policies that any project will be subject to. So, whether you are extending, renovating or building a new home, their help could be indispensable — especially if your project is in an area of which carries restrictions such as a Conservation Area or AONB.
What if my planning application is refused?
In England around 75 per cent of applications are granted. If your application is refused, you can either amend and resubmit having dealt with the reasons for refusal, or you can make an appeal to the planning inspectorate — around 40 per cent of householder applications that are refused are later granted at appeal.
Can I extend planning permission?
If you were granted planning on or before 1st October 2009, and it has not already run out, you can apply to extend it. The form is available here on Planning Portal and is subject to a fee of £50.